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Student Success

Student Success is at the Heart of the UAFS Mission

我们的存在是为了连接学生和他们的学术梦想,并支持他们的每一步 of the way.


Who Can Assist Me With

UAFS有一个优秀的学术顾问团队,他们会在这里帮助你选择 a program, understand degree requirements, and register for courses. Entering first-year 学生和学生运动员在ROAR大一指导中心接受指导 and non-degree seeking students. The ROAR is located in the Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center and can be contacted at 479-788-7400 or

高中毕业后拥有24个或更多学分的学生通常会被建议进入大学 their academic college by a professional or faculty advisor.

下面的学术建议页面可以为您提供有用的联系信息 and a link to schedule a one-on-one appointment.

Go To Academic Advising

Babb就业服务中心是学生探索的绝佳资源 专业,学习兼职,全职,实习的机会,或追求 graduate school. They provide workshops and one-on-one career coaching. They also 是我们长期而独特的学生专业证书的发源地吗 Development..

无论你是在找第一份专业工作还是考虑转行, Career Services is available to help.

Babb职业服务中心位于伯勒姆图书馆212号. They can be contacted at 479-788-7017or

Go To Career Services

戈登凯利学术成功中心(ASC)致力于支持学生的成功 through academic coaching, tutoring, and testing services. The center works with students 为成功制定个性化的行动计划,并提供研讨会和演讲 to help students develop academic skills. They offer tutoring (both in person and virtual) in more than a dozen subjects. They also oversee testing for placement, courses, and credit-by-exam.

The ASC is located in Vines 202. They can be contacted at 479-788-7675 or

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UAFS的三重奏课程旨在提高保留率和毕业率 第一代大学生,家庭收入有限的学生,以及学生 with disabilities. 三重奏计划提供学术发展的机会,协助 满足学生基本的大学要求,激励学生走向成功 completion of their post-secondary education. TRIO programs are federally funded grants through the U.S. Department of Education. All services offered are free to eligible participants.

UAFS拥有四个三重奏课程:上进经典,上进数学/科学, TRIO SSS, and TRIO STEM. These programs serve high school students within the greater Fort Smith area as well as college students attending UAFS. 

  • TRIO Student Support Services is located in Boreham Library 233. They can be contacted at 479-788-7353 or
  • TRIO Student Support Services – STEM is located in Flanders 103-107. They can be contacted at 479-788-7749 or
  • Upward Bound Classic & Math/Science is located in Echols 111. They can be contacted at 479-788-7250 or

新生和家庭项目办公室负责指导一些核心项目 to helping students build a successful transition to UAFS. Incoming students participate 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的,旨在增加学生知识的课程 资源,明确学术和职业目标,与教师和新生联系 peers, and become established in their academic journey.

Additionally, we value parents and families as partners. Informed parents are better 为学生提供资源和教练,并努力促进良好的沟通 for everyone in the process. Our Mane Event live summer orientations have parent and family tracks, and Family Weekend takes place every October. We also offer a Lion Family Newsletter, which comes out every month.

新生和家庭项目位于史密斯-彭德格拉夫校园中心 and can be contacted at 479-788-7319 or

Go To New Student & Family Programs


Student Success Resources

Academic Success Center

通过辅导、辅导、研讨会、备考等方式促进学术发展; and test proctoring. Learn all about the Academic Success Center (ASC) here.


UAFS有四个咨询中心,每个中心都有自己独特的工作方法 majors. 所有UAFS学生都需要与他们的指导老师预约.

Career Services

我们为学生和校友提供职业教育项目,为就业做好准备 graduates with professional skills. We connect students with employers to gain valuable experience in their field of study.


图书馆员可以帮助你进行研究,引用资源,技术等. We also 提供一个安静,舒适的地方学习,包括24小时区.

New Students & Families

我们致力于帮助即将到来的学生和家庭成为充满活力的一部分 UAFS community. 这个办公室负责大一新生的培训和欢迎项目, transfer, and nontraditional students.

Student Disability Services

UAFS旨在确保残疾学生充分参与和平等的机会 通过为那些身体、情感和/或学习上有困难的人提供合理的帮助 disabilities.

TRIO Programs

上界经典,上界数学/科学,三重奏SSS和三重奏STEM服务高 史密斯堡地区的学生以及符合条件的大学生 UAFS. 

The Writing Center

我们协助作家在协作辅导和修订的所有经验水平 throughout all stages of the writing process.

Student Dictionary

作为UAFS的学生,您需要访问许多技术资源. Use this information to learn more about each of them.


导航是一个一站式登录,查看您的时间表和学术文件(如您的毕业证书) 学位计划和毕业笔记),与你的老师和指导团队联系,以及 schedule appointments with campus resources. Instructors can also use this tool to record attendance and issue notifications. In turn, students receive automated communication in an effort to connect the student to appropriate resources.

Progress Reports

Click here to access progress reports


My.UAFS is the place to go to connect to everything you need to know. Here you will find 有关车辆许可证登记,财政援助,课程登记的信息,以及 so much more. 如果你在找校园里的东西,点击student标签, and you’re sure to find it there.

Blackboard Learn

Blackboard是一个基于网络的虚拟学习环境,也是教师使用的工具 and students to interact online outside of the classroom. UAFS uses Blackboard to 补充教学面对面和混合班,并作为平台 online courses.

Learn More

Online Business Center

你可以支付你的学费和杂费,建立直接存款,建立付款计划,和 在您方便的家中使用在线业务分配授权用户 Center. 如果得到家长的授权,家长也可以在网上支付学杂费 student.

Make a Payment Online

Lions Mobile ID

Now you can add your Lions Mobile ID 苹果钱包和谷歌支付,再也不用担心你的身份证在手.  The Lions Mobile ID works just like your physical card does. You can use the Lions Mobile ID on iPhone, Apple Watch, and Android phones. You can also use the Lions Mobile ID 登入您的狮子会现金及t -狮子会现金帐户,以便在校园餐厅购物 and print stations.

To use your Lions Mobile ID 和lion Cash账户,只需点击你的iPhone、苹果手表或安卓手机 the reader, and you’re done!

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This is where the fun lives! NUMALink is your connection to campus activities, Registered Student Organizations, workshops, and more. Learn more about the 90+ organizations we have and stay busy with the calendar of events. NUMALink provides a fun and easy way to build connections and get involved on your campus.

Learn More

Workday Student - Coming Soon!

Workday Student是一个学生信息系统,将于2024年底开始在UAFS使用. 这个基于云的移动友好产品将帮助学生、教师和工作人员 for many years to come.

Learn More

10 Jul
July 10, 2024 01:00 PM to 05:00 PM The Bakery District
16 Jul
July 16, 2024 07:00 PM to 08:30 PM Smith-Pendergraft Campus Center
17 Jul
July 17, 2024 01:00 PM to 05:00 PM The Bakery District

First-Gen Students

作为第一代学生是一项巨大的成就,UAFS为此感到自豪 of you! Click the button to learn more.

First-Generation Students

Lion Scholars

狮子奖学金是一个帮助大一新生取得成功的项目 transition to college life. Click the button below to learn more.

Lion Scholars


Questions? Contact Us.

Blake A. Johnson, Ph.D.
Assistant Provost for Student Success & Retention
Fullerton 113/115